ESU Legacy Families

Legacy familiesIf a member of your family (child, parent, sibling, aunt/uncle, cousin, niece/nephew, or grandparent) attended East Stroudsburg University, and you are either a current student or an alumnus/a of ESU, then you are part of an ESU Legacy Family.

Legacy families make the choice to continue a family tradition by attending ESU. The ESU Legacy family is much like your immediate family, only a lot larger!  The Office of Alumni Engagement takes pride in recognizing the over 400 and growing families who have made the commitment to receiving an excellent education while cementing their family's legacy in the future history of this institution. 
Legacy family benefits and events include:

Legacy family benefits and events include:

Annual Legacy Family Brunch and Pinning Ceremony during Family Weekend 

Special invitations to events

...and more to come as the program grows!

If you are part of an ESU Legacy family, please let us know so we can note your special status in our records. Click here to access the Legacy submission form.